piątek, 26 czerwca 2020

"My Home undefeated" Manga Novel in progress.

I'd like to present a few pages of comics I am creating.It left maybe five to have this graphic novel already finished off but as usual with almost all my projects it stays unfinished.What happened then?Pen don't move on over the pencilled outlines.Something happened.The idea is clear, drawings on the right place, text completed but the hand is out of control.It means that an author going over the difficult time.The time when don't even want to look on comics.Everything becomes with no sense.So many authors does it, so many comics is in release.Does it make a sense to create another one which will be reviewed by number of people and then dumped to the corner?Forgotten.It is like a race we are competing in but just before the finish runners slowing down and finally stopped before finish.I try to find a motivation to make it done.I did not stopped...just slowed down...
All the best.

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