O mlodosci.
Kazdy ma ja dla siebie tylko raz w zyciu.Mozna z nia zrobic co sie chce. Z reguly wtedy jest w nas najwiecej energii, wiec czlowiek wykorzystuje ja do zarabiania pieniedzy. Jest w tym uparty i zachlanny. W takim podejsciu do sprawy jest lek o przyszlosc, bo pojawia sie pytanie:kiedy jesli nie teraz warto zadbac o wlasna finansowa przyszlosc?Czlowiek, wiec cale zycie pracuje bedac w ciaglym leku o wlasna przyszlosc.Na starosc oprzytomnieje,ze cale zycie spedzil w pracy. Szkoda tylko,ze nie bedzie juz czasu na naprawienie bledow.
Rzecz jasna system jest tak skonstruowany,aby podtrzymywac nas w ciaglej niepewnosci, bo wtedy latwiej kontrolowac spoleczenstwo. Podwyzszanie wieku emerytalnego ustanawiane w europie zachodniej sprawia,ze niewiele zycia pozostanie nam "dla siebie". "Oni" jednak twierdza,ze czlowiek zyje coraz dluzej, wiec moze ustalic gorna granice przechodzenia na emeryture do 75 lat,bo w konce wedle ich zalozen czlowiek bedzie zyl jeszcze 10 czy 15 lat.Nikt jednak nie pyta jakie to bedzie zycie?Gdy osiagasz emeryture bedac stosunkowo mlodym dziadkiem masz jeszcze wiele energii,by wykorzystywac ja dla siebie.Masz sile wowczas, by podrozowac, uprawiac poranny jogging czy jezdzic na rowerze.Rzad chce jednak wydusic z czlowieka jak najwiecej energii dla produktywnosci ekonomicznej panstwa. Jak tylko moze wydobyc z czlowieka energie do pracy. To czy pozostanie ci jej dla siebie zupelnie "ich"nie interesuje.
Nikt sie jednak nie buntuje,bo i tak nie ma sposobu by to zmienic.Odgorne ustalenia sa niezmienialne.A wiec pedza te owce w przepasc...Nie rob nic wbrew sobie tylko dlatego,ze utarta konwencja to nakazuje.Kieruj sie swoim wlasnym dobrem.Wiadomo,ze najtrudniej jest isc przez zycie pod prad,ale jesli czlowiek podaza nieswoja sciezka to zawsze jest w nim konflikt,ze postapil wbrew sobie,a potem pozostana wyrzuty i gorzkie zale,ze to zycie bylo takie marne. Ja chce zyc po swojemu,ale chyba ciagle mi wiele brakuje by zmienic cos w sobie, aby rzucic to moje dotychczasowe zycie w cholere.
Dobrego dnia.
About being young.
Everyone have just one in life.We can do with it whatever we want. Basically this is the time when people are in the peak of energy so they spend time at work. Being blind and stubborn they run ahead knowing that is is the right time to earn some money for unknown future, for retirement. Is it? I can't be sure to be honest because once reach his eldery age people realize that spent all their lifes at work without having time for family or own interests.
Goverment wants us to work until 67 now. It used to be 65.As long as economy situation in the world changes they extend retirenment age explaining that the man lives longer than ever which means even though we work longer but we live longer having more time to "rest"at he end. Soon they may wants us to work up to 75 years old?Who knows?
The point is that when you reach retirenment age being young Grandpa (65) you are in really good shape having some power and physical abilities to do some exercises: riding bike, playing football with grandchildren, travel,in the word...you have power to live for yourself.
But people seem to be blind.All they see is the money and fear which motivates them to run even faster.
What I would say: Don't do it.Don't do anything against yourself because you'll regret you were compete in this crazy race.Follow your own path even if your path goes opposite to the way other people follow.Otherwise there will be always conflict in you.
Good day.
Dobrego dnia.
About being young.
Everyone have just one in life.We can do with it whatever we want. Basically this is the time when people are in the peak of energy so they spend time at work. Being blind and stubborn they run ahead knowing that is is the right time to earn some money for unknown future, for retirement. Is it? I can't be sure to be honest because once reach his eldery age people realize that spent all their lifes at work without having time for family or own interests.
Goverment wants us to work until 67 now. It used to be 65.As long as economy situation in the world changes they extend retirenment age explaining that the man lives longer than ever which means even though we work longer but we live longer having more time to "rest"at he end. Soon they may wants us to work up to 75 years old?Who knows?
The point is that when you reach retirenment age being young Grandpa (65) you are in really good shape having some power and physical abilities to do some exercises: riding bike, playing football with grandchildren, travel,in the word...you have power to live for yourself.
But people seem to be blind.All they see is the money and fear which motivates them to run even faster.
What I would say: Don't do it.Don't do anything against yourself because you'll regret you were compete in this crazy race.Follow your own path even if your path goes opposite to the way other people follow.Otherwise there will be always conflict in you.
Good day.